Sunday, June 19, 2011

Are you know about Quran our constitution

What is Al-Quran
The Qur'an ("Qor-Ann") is a Message from Allah (swt) to humanity. It was transmitted to us in a chain starting from the Almighty Himself  to the angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad (saw). This message was given to the Prophet (saw) in pieces over a period spanning approximately 23 years (610 CE to 632 CE). The Prophet (saw) was 40 years old when the Qur'an began to be revealed to him, and he was 63 when the revelation was completed. The language of the original message was Arabic, but it has been translated into many other languages.
The Qur'an is one of the two sources which form the basis of Islam. The second source is the Sunnah of the Prophet (saw). What makes the Qur'an different from the Sunnah is primarily its form. Unlike the Sunnah, the Qur'an is literally the Word of Allah (swt), whereas the Sunnah was inspired by Allah but the wording and actions are the Prophet's (saw). The Qur'an has not been expressed using any human's words. Its wording is letter for letter fixed by no one but Allah.

Prophet Muhammad (saw) was the final Messenger of Allah to humanity, and therefore the Qur'an is the last Message which Allah (swt) has sent to us. Its predecessors such as the Torah, Psalms, and Gospels have all been superseded. It is an obligation - and blessing - for all who hear of the Qur'an and Islam to investigate it and evaluate it for themselves. Allah (swt) has guaranteed that He will protect the Qur'an from human tampering, and today's readers can find exact copies of it all over the world. The Qur'an of today is the same as the Qur'an revealed to Muhammad (saw) 1400 years ago.

Over Islam distinct complementary phases in its history:
First stage: the invitation, has continued for thirteen years in Mecca, to emigrate from the mission.
Second stage: the state has begun in the city, the migration of the Prophet peace be upon him to it.
He assumed leadership of the Holy Quran Muslims in phases, to suit the shape and nature of each stage.
Treated, in Mecca, is monotheism, prophet hood, and the place of reward, and ethics, and morals: such as sincerity and honesty, and loyalty, and patience and fortitude to harm the faith.
The stage of the state in the Qur'an addresses the Prophet peace be upon him as a ruler and a prophet together, and put adequate legislation for Muslims in all aspects of their lives. Because Muslims are immigrants and found for the first time a kind Mennen stability and protection - after the terrible injury he had poured them Titans Mecca and its wicked - and when they found the people of the city from the Ansar who had received.
 The Prophet peace be upon him to listen, obey, to become Supreme Governor of another state in the history of prophetic home faithful, and have found that this stability and protection. .
Any group living a stable life in common, sharing, and the unit is headed by the authority of the governor (as is the concept of the state) are in need of general grounds, and detailed legislation and return to organize their lives in their fields
 Different, and to replace ignorance of legislation, customs and traditions, which had reached extremely rot and then.

Then descends to take the Quran as Allah wants to bless of Muslim education, and limiting them to the limits of systems, each responsive needs of the community, and putting principles for cleaner and best nation state in history (You are the best nation on earth)   )
The Quran did not come down then to renounce behind the appearance Or isolated from the dead to life reads Or suspend the mascots for the children and others, Impossible to do so dead texts, and words are rigid. But down between the field of Jihad, and the witness amongst his courage, and when the suffering and adversity, to be Platform for the invitation, and the Constitution of the nation and the state's obligation to pay tribute to its disadvantage of Nations, and send him flush of determination, as God Almighty says: (as well as
 We revealed to you a spirit of ours) Shura 52. (O ye who believe! Obey Allah and the Messenger when he calls you to again) the Anfal - 24.

The witness amongst his courage, and when the suffering and adversity, to be Platform for the invitation, and the Constitution of the nation and the state's obligation to pay tribute to its favorable nations, and send him flush of determination, as God Almighty says: (and also revealed to you a spirit of ours)
 Shura 52. (O ye who believe! Obey Allah and the Messenger when he calls you to again) the Anfal - 24.
It is painful to find huge crowds of Muslims and intellectuals, especially unfamiliar with this, and are opposed to one's health, and believe that the Qur'an is a book preaching and tips, and has no income in the lives of people in governance, politics and other.
 Transactions, and surprisingly some of them proud of his religion - according to his understanding of a minor - and believes in God and his book - on what you see - but the huge gap and intellectual invasion terrible, which controls the minds and direct our lives even after the departure of the colonists terrorists.
Perhaps some of them read this and follow up with me search, and ponder with me well in the verses of the Koran to know that something is not quite imagine what, and that this book was the Constitution of the Islamic state was the greatest countries on earth.
 Her sovereignty and most global civilization and a civilian, but he was great of the Koran, the great merit of the arrival of Arabs lowly dispersed to such a degree of the High Commissioner, including God deposited in his book of guidance and light. Walk with us on God's blessing and they will know ('which of the group's house is good and better in assembly.) maryam-73.
Topics addressed by the Quran  in the Madinah:
 found on the Muslims - in the shadow of the state - things, events and situations addressed in the Quran great and can be summed up as follows:
 1 - general legislation and detailed
 Essential to offer them, Zakat, and divorce, and retribution, and borders of all kinds, and transactions, and economic systems, and the system of administrative governance.
2 - public advocacy for the people of the book and discussion, and then to argue, and digging into their history of killing the Apostles, or discredit them, and renounce their books and distorted and the deviation of their beliefs accordingly.
3 - Invite the hypocrites to the pure faith and leave the oscillation, and expose their plots on calling and calling and the State all of us, and warn the Muslim community and support them from their evils.
4 - Jihad and through the battles and directing Muslims, and the statement of the provisions of the prisoners, and treaties and the spoils, and ethics of war and fighting concerns and goals worthy of a Muslim.
5-Declaration of Islam is a global public, and to give Muslims - under the banner of the Koran - Professorship in the world, the right to custody of the minor human mandate rather than an honor, to bring people to a single word loving , Not divide them races and colors. And this was complemented by advocacy and grace and may God Islam is a religion of humanity and the platform, and announced the greatest day of Hajj: This day I have perfected your religion for you and completed My favour upon you and have chosen Islam as religion for you.(Al-Maidah-3)
Perhaps to reconcile the human once again to the tyranny of the waves, and graduated from the terrible darkness that bounced in which Western civilization is material, and the left going to the edge of the abyss, and inevitably will fall if not
 Muslims make to save them, including guidance from the sky: and to whom Allah gives not light; for him there is no light anywhere.
Dear Brother Muslim:
If he knows the brother Muslim religion in the following assets, has always known the meaning of chants "The Koran is our constitution, our ideal is the Prophet."
Means that the certain faith that our idea of ​​"inherently Islamic" and that the understanding of Islam as we understand it, within the limits of these assets twenty brief summary of each:
1 - Islam is a comprehensive system dealing with all aspects of life is a state, a nation or government and the nation, is the creation and the strength or mercy and justice, a culture and law or science and the judiciary, which is material wealth or gain, and sang, a jihad, or call army and the idea, as is the sincere faith and true worship, alike.
2 - The Holy Quran and Sunnah reference of every Muslim in the rulers of Islam know, and understand the Quran according to the rules of the Arabic language is not charged with abuse, and is likely to understand the Sunnah to the men talk trustworthy.
 3 - and sincere faith and true worship and the combatant light and sweetness thrown in the heart of God whom He will of His slaves, but the inspiration and thoughts and visions for the detection and not evidence of legal provisions that are not only on the condition non-collision with the provisions of the religion and its texts.
4 - amulets and spells, sand and shells, knowledge, and fortune-telling and claim to know the unseen, and all that was evil of this section must be fought only what was a verse from the Quran.
5 - and the opinion of the Imam and his deputy, not the text of the faithful, and potentially faces a number of interests and sent, in effect unless it hit a legitimate. May change depending on the circumstances, custom and habits.
The basic principle of worship to worship without paying attention to meanings, and in the Antiquities secrets and pay attention to the governance and objectives.

6 - Each one taken from his words and leaves only infallible peace be upon him, and all that came for the applicants, God bless him and agree with the book and the year we accepted, and the only recent book of Allah and His Messenger, the first be followed, but we do not offer the people - disagreed with it - stabbed or excavation, we hold them to their intentions.
 7 - Every Muslim has not attained the degree of consideration of the evidence that follows the provisions of sub-imam of the imams, and to accept each guideline is accompanied by evidence is true when the honesty has led him and adequacy and complement deficiency was the scientific scholars even swallow the degree of consideration.
 8 - Doctrinal dispute In the sections not be a reason to differentiate in religion, does not lead to hostility and hatred and hard-working wage for all, no reason why an honest scientific inquiry in matters of dispute under the love of God and cooperation on access to indeed, it is to drag it to the mirrors blameworthy and intolerance.
9 - Not every question is based upon the work of conflict and the search of affectation, which is forbidden to us legally, and the frequent branching of the provisions which did not occur, and delve into the meanings of Quranic verses that kind did not reach after the flag.

 10 - Tthe knowledge of God bless and come and unification and keeping the highest tenets of Islam, the verses and Hadiths the right qualities and worthy of this similarity, we believe it also came from an interpretation of disruption, and
 We are exposed to the stating of opinion among the scholars, and we can expand what the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and his companions, "and firmly grounded in knowledge say, We believe in it all from our Lord," Al-Omran.
11 -Every innovation in the religion of God is not out of it - Bravo people, they claim, whether the increase or decrease it - going astray must be combated and eliminated the best ways that do not lead to what is evil from them.
12 -Additional innovation and Turkish and a commitment to worship in absolute theological dispute, each with its opinion? There is nothing wrong really scrutinize the evidence and proof.
13 - The righteous and the love and respect and praise them for what they knew of a good act of worship to their God, the Almighty, and parents are mentioned in the verse "Those who believe and fear" and fixed them with dignity tapes yolk legitimate belief that they do not, God bless them have to benefit or harm themselves in their life or after death as well as something that leap from that to others.
14 - Pray for a century if you sit around and beg God to his creation of a subsidiary other than how to pray and not matters of faith.
15 - and custom wrong does not change the facts of legitimate words, but you must make sure of the limits of the intended meanings, and then stand.
 Must also guard against verbal deception in all aspects of life and religion, with labels What matters is not the names.
16- Faith-based work, and work of the heart of the work of the most important prey, and the collection of perfection in both required by the Sharia, and that demand different rank.
17 - Islam and liberates the mind, and urges consideration of the universe, and raise as much as science and scientists, and welcomes the beneficial interest of everything. And "wisdom is the believer wherever he found it more deserving people out."
18 - do not disbelieve Muslim approved brief prayer and the work by virtue of which resulted in the statutes - or the opinion of sin - but acknowledged that the word kufr, or deny evident tenet of religion, or outright lie Koran, or interpreted in any manner not tolerate methods Arabic under any circumstances, or action that is not likely interpretation is blasphemy.
Know this, O Muslims and evaluate, and know that your responsibility before God Almighty large.